Instagram SEO Techniques for Better Engagement in 2021

A short and definitive guide to Instagram SEO

Johnathan Kayne
5 min readJan 5, 2021
Photo couresy

We all know that Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms, with more than a billion monthly active users.

So, with this much population, there must be a lot of competition in every niche.

Have you ever thought about how you can make your content stand out in the audience with such high competition?

I know you’re thinking that if you create GREAT content, you’ll grow. Of course, making quality content is necessary but there is something else other than content only.

Instagram is a self-contained search engine and if you want your content to perform better than try doing SEO for Instagram.

The SEO process for Instagram won’t take much time. Here are the steps that will lead the way for you.

Optimize your Profile

The first step to perform is your profile optimizations. Below are a few tips for optimizing your Instagram profile:

  • First of all register for a business account, select your category, and make your account public.
  • Create a colourful, and simple logo or profile picture for your account.



Johnathan Kayne

Visual Storyteller & Writer| Reptile Lover | Digital Marketer & SEO Enthusiast | Connect with me here→